Is it Unhealthy to Eat Frozen Vegetables?

Do frozen vegetables have the same nutritional value as fresh vegetables?

Nope! But here’s what might surprise you:

FROZEN vegetables are often MORE nutritious!

HOW?? Turns out “fresh” produce isn’t so fresh after all.

For starters, it takes 7 to 16 days to transport “fresh” produce.

(So fruits and vegetables are harvested prematurely)

Compare this to frozen fruits and vegetables that are harvested only at the peak AND frozen within a few hours.

Freezing also acts as a time capsule, LOCKING IN peak taste and nutritional value, while “fresh” produce degrades constantly (losing vitamins and nutrients).

Studies say fresh produce loses up to 45% of its nutrients farm to table.

Berries, melons, tomatoes, and greens are the most compromised.

Frozen produce also tends to be SUBSTANTIALLY CHEAPER.

So if the cost of cauliflower or strawberries makes you want to cry…

Substitute frozen!

Have you ever noticed we include ounces on the shopping list?

That’s so you can easily pick the frozen or canned option instead.

Of course, ANY vegetable is better than no vegetable at all.

If you prefer and can afford fresh, by all means buy it!! My only goal here is to help you see frozen fruit and vegetables in a new light and consider utilizing these under-appreciated nutritional powerhouses!!

11 Best Frozen Fruits & Vegetables:

  • blueberries
  • carrots
  • cauliflower
  • cherries
  • corn
  • butternut squash
  • broccoli
  • brussels sprouts
  • green beans
  • peaches
  • spinach (and other greens)

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