Feel like you're "missing out?"

Does this sound familiar?

I'm trying to lose weight without giving up and missing out. Is that possible? What I mean, tomorrow night I have a Bachelorette party. I feel like I have maintenance down. I lose during the week but weekend gains keep it from going below a certain point. I literally always have something on the weekend. Do I miss out on the fun in the name of weight loss? Is that a lifestyle change?” —Ashley B.

Even if you’re NOT trying to lose weight, going vegan or adopting a plant-centered diet can dredge up these feelings.

One thing I like to remind myself of is that I’m not there for the food.


Recently, I shared this photo from a friend’s birthday potluck, and one of the first comments was: “Were there other things for you to eat or did you have to eat what you brought?

As it turns out, someone else brought fresh fruit, but that’s not why I went.

I didn’t go to Zophie’s birthday for the food. I went to celebrate Zophie!

Food is a constant presence in celebrations and social situations…

but it doesn’t have to be the FOCUS.

You’re there to have a good time, socialize, make memories, and celebrate.

You’d still go to a wedding or birthday party even if there was no food, right?!

Adopting this perspective changes EVERYTHING.

Eating food should not be the way we measure involvement in an activity.

Let me repeat that…

Eating food should not be the way we measure involvement in an activity.

You can “miss out” on conversation, parties, and witnessing life events, but...

Food is not “fun.”

Food gives nourishment so we can have fun!

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