This Is EXACTLY What Meditation Will Do for You

“You don’t have to wear a robe, and sit lotus position and chant words you don’t know.”

That was Jocelyn’s advice to me, because that’s what I thought meditation was!

Meditation is really just training your brain…

Regaining control over your mind so you decide how to act, feel, or engage -- rather than just REACT to whatever situation you’re in.

For example, you know how when you see jerks on the internet you think, “They’re just looking for attention. Don’t engage. Don’t waste time or energy?”

Meditation teaches your brain to apply this process across the board to EVERYTHING so you engage with what matters and STOP grabbing hold to thoughts that don’t serve you.

Meditation helps you reconnect with yourself and what you need to thrive.

Think of meditation as a flashlight into your consciousness.

I spent years having no earthly idea of what I wanted or who I was or WHAT would make me happy… I was a miserable mess and meditation became my map for self-discovery!

Scientific research has also shown that meditation physically increases gray matter in the brain (the part that contains neurons) which directly affects and helps with increasing your focus, controlling stress and anxiety, boosting concentration, etc.

AND meditation fosters self-discipline and awareness, enhances sleep and intuition, and boosts creativity while reducing stress and anxiety.

Ready to give meditation a try and see what it can do for you?!


This Saturday (April 18th!) my friend Jocelyn will be hosting a LIVE beginners meditation workshop.

She’ll teach us how to meditate, discuss some of the reasons why people find it hard to meditate (plus solutions to make meditation easier) and she’ll lead us into a 10-minute guided meditation too!

Normally this workshop is $39.95 but this time it’s totally FREE for members!

And if you can’t attend, no worries -- members will have access to the recorded workshop.

You’ll also be able to download the workshop as an audio file so you can listen to Jocelyn’s guided meditation anywhere, any time you need her!!

(I love having her 10-day guided meditations on my phone!)

IMAGINE how amazing it will be to free yourself from the worry of all the small things… to live without stress… without INSOMNIA, and all that spinning in your head…

This workshop is for you if:

-You’re new to meditation and don’t know where to start

-You’ve been trying to meditate on your own and you’re not having success

-You already meditate and are dissatisfied with your meditation

-You want to eliminate stress, anxiety, and/or insomnia, while increasing self-control and the ability to regulate your emotions + be happier

If you want to gain control back of your life and start creating the life & health you DESERVE…

Don’t miss this free meditation workshop!

RECONNECT with your true self.

And because Jocelyn & I want to help you create a greater sense of peace, balance, and relaxation in your life RIGHT NOW…

Download a completely free mini meditation lesson from Jocelyn.