Work Lunch Ideas without a Kitchen

A meal plan user emailed:

"We subscribe to the Family Plan and I have a question with leftovers. My husband's an electrician and oftentimes eats in his truck. I don't give him sandwiches because I fear the bread will get soggy. It has always been a challenge for me as to what to give him. Do you have any suggestions for people who work outside the home with no access to a kitchen?"

My husband used to have that kind of work environment so I kept his bun, bread or wrap separate from the "filling" and he assembled the sandwich before eating -- it didn't get soggy that way. I did that for salads too, usually keeping the dressing separate.

Soups in a thermos work great! He loved beans and rice, and leftovers (things like "meatloaf" and veggies, or mac n cheese, or casseroles) since those things are fine if they are kinda room temp. (And if pulled from the fridge, they lose their undesirable "cold" temp by lunch).

Some moms freeze smoothies and put it in a thermos so its a smoothie and not an ice pop at lunch, if he likes those.

Enjoy the meal plans! Lindsay

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