3 Easy Ways to Cook a Potato Without An Oven
If you know me, then you know I love (LOVE!) potatoes, especially a baked potato! In fact, I stumbled across a baked potato stand at the Palace of Versailles while living in France this summer!
I will never understand why people forsake the potato. No, a potato isn't "fattening" -- it's a vegetable! The "problem" is the company Mr. Potato hangs around with. It's not the baked potato that's unhealthy, it's the bacon, cheese and sour cream plopped on top of it! Bottom line: you don't need to limit the amount of potato you eat. They're good for ya!
Baking seems to be the go-to method to cook potatoes, but since no one likes a hot kitchen during the summer, why not use a microwave, slow cooker or pressure cooker to keep cool?
Here's how you can achieve the perfect tater by using any of those methods!
Oven-Baked Potatoes Preheat the oven to 425F. Pierce potatoes multiple times with a fork. Lay them directly on the oven rack or place on a baking sheet. Cook for 45-60 minutes, or until the skin is crispy and you can easily stick a fork in it.
Microwaved Potatoes Pierce potatoes multiple times with a fork. Place them on a microwave-safe dish and microwave at full power for 5 minutes. Turn over and microwave for another 3-5 minutes. If the taters are still hard in the middle, microwave in 1 minute intervals until cooked through. (Note: Microwaves are perfectly safe to use and have little to no negative effects on nutrients. It's also considered one of the best cooking methods.)
Slow-Cooker Potatoes Pierce the potatoes multiple times with a fork. Wrap each potato in foil and lay them in the bottom of the slow cooker. Place the lid over top and set your slow cooker to LOW for 8-10 hours.
Pressure Cooker Potatoes Add the necessary amount of water to your pressure cooker (each pressure cooker is different, see your manual). Wrap each potato in foil and lay them in the bottom of the pressure cooker. Set for high pressure, 15 minutes.