Need Help Preparing the Meal Plans?
A meal plan user emailed:
"I need help cooking the meal plans. They seem very detailed, but I still have trouble. I feel like I'm always struggling to find everything I need from the shopping list and when I prepare them I feel lost sometimes. I have no cooking skills whatsoever."
If you need help locating something in a store, just ask a worker for help. All stores are laid out a little different, but any employee should be able to help you.
As for cooking, first you want to gather all your ingredients and the things you'll need -- like pots and pans and measuring cups. I put all mine on the kitchen table to save counter space.
From there you start your grains/potatoes and then start working your way through the items on for "prep" i.e. dicing your onions. Once you're prepped, you start cooking in order.
I find cooking is one of those things that gets better the more you do it, and you sort of find what works for you. For example, my sister has to clean and put things away as she goes, whereas I sort of pile my dirty dishes in the sink and clean after.
Similarly, my husband likes to pre-measure EVERYTHING, even a spice, whereas I just pull the container out, then measure when it's time for me to add, say, chili powder.
If you're totally new to cooking, it might make sense for you to try to do it recipe by recipe, even though that takes longer, until you're more comfortable -- then you can try multitasking.
Depending on your needs, you may want to start with the new dinner only family meal plan (also great for couples if you don't mind leftovers for lunch!). There are only 7 meals to prepare for the week (plus bonus breakfast and lunch recipes), which may be a little less overwhelming for someone new to the meal plans. And with the new customizable shopping list, you have the option to prepare meals you only want to eat.
Enjoy the meal plans!