How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

I travel pretty often with work, and while I often take my pressure cooker with me to keep on point with the meal plans, that's not always an option.

Here are some of the basic items I eat "on the go" to stay near perfect with the meal plan. (I'm strict with the meal plans after years of yo-yo'ing with the same 10-15 lbs, read my story here.)

Oatmeal from Starbucks -- but without the dried fruit (they're covered in oil and have added sugar), and without the nuts since I stay low fat.

I typically add a banana (Starbucks always sells bananas). FYI their oatmeal comes with brown sugar. I don't find I need it, but sprinkling a little on the top would be consistent with the meal plans' nutritional standards.

I'm also a huge fan of sushi. I tend to get cucumber, or cucumber and carrot sushi (brown rice whenever it's possible). I always skip avocado since I keep low fat, but avocado sushi is easy to come by.

Edamame is pretty easy to come by as well, but soy can be high in fat so I tend to limit my edamame and tofu, to be consistent with our meal plan guidelines (that are always soy-free and gluten-free!).

Another favorite is just a big ol bowl of steamed vegetables with rice... and fruit is available everywhere!

I loved this frozen fruit platter by the pool, btw!

Last but not least -- my old standby, a big salad and a baked potato (or two!)

Another quick option is a vegetable sandwich. I'll get tons of veggies on a whole-wheat bun. It can sometimes be hard to find 100% whole-wheat (and also oil-free) bread on the go, but sometimes you just have to do the best you can. An imperfect veggie sandwich is still better than French fries ;)

I also make use of salad bars to keep it varied!

A few people have asked if I eat at Taco Bell and the answer is no. It's an easy vegan option, I admit, but after learning their beans are mostly just fat, I steer clear (and my tum tum thanks me).

AND of course, especially when traveling, I remind myself that eating doesn't always have to be a "pleasure" -- not every meal has to be a decadent feast or a form of entertainment. It's a biological need, so a salad and potato are doin' my genes right!

For more help and tips with traveling, check out my new book The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living, it has a HUGE, ginormous travel section.

Happy Traveling!

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