Why Eating a Variety of Food is Better For Your Health

A meal plan user emailed:

"If I really like one of the meals, can I just repeat it all week long? Or do I need variety for weight-loss?"


Setting aside the weight-loss issue, you want to eat a variety of foods for your health. A wide variety of foods helps ensure you're getting everything you need to be healthy and feel your best.

I've also found variety makes it easier for my clients to keep eating well. Different meals and flavors keeps it interesting. It never feels like a "diet" when you're always trying new things! Variety is the spice of life, right?

For ease, I suggest meal plan users make all their meals ahead for the week (it only takes a few hours), then grab-n-go and reheat all week long. That way meal times are fuss-free, but you're not eating the same thing over and over. Say no to human kibble :)

If you're looking to lose weight, I can't recommend the meal plans enough, especially the lower fat options. It makes it so easy, and it's fun to try new things.

Get the current meal plan now.