6 Foods To Buy On A Budget

Everyone loves saving money on groceries, that's what's so great about the included shopping list on the 7-day meal plans. You buy only what you need for the week!

But if you're on a really strict budget, there are items you can buy to ensure your pantry is stocked and you'll always have a nutritious meal.

The Daily Finance recently released a list of 7 Foods to Buy When You're Broke, and surprisingly a majority of the items were plant-based.


Beans & Rice You'll get a lot of bang for your buck when you buy dried beans in bulk. Twos cups can easily expand to 4-5 cups when cooked. Brown rice is also inexpensive, and when you pair them together you have yourself an easy, tasty and cheap meal!

Green Vegetables Stock up on your greens! Broccoli, spinach and kale are nutrient-rich and are great additions to any meal. If you're looking for a low-fat and inexpensive way to dress up your salads, try balsamic vinegar or my favorite, lemon juice.

Frozen Vegetables Fresh vegetables are great, but if you're on a budget, frozen veggies are a good alternative!

Potatoes It's amazing what you can do with a potato! A baked potato with a little bit of salsa makes a fantastic side. Eat it with a side of greens or veggies and you have an awesome meal.

Peanut Butter I usually advise to eat peanut butter sparingly (or skip it completely for a lower fat option). But if you're on a budget, I'd much rather someone eat a peanut butter sandwich than something incredibly unhealthy from a fast food chain!

For more ways to shrink your grocery bill read 10 Ways To Shrink Your Grocery Bill.

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