Exercise Excuse Busters! (You've Said It, Here's How It's Not True!)
Don't let these exercise excuses get the best of you! Get active and moving!
1 - I'm too busy. Squeeze in mini workouts, take the stairs, park at the far end of the parking lot, do stretches and arm circles while you watch TV, make a date to walk or jog instead of get dinner with a friend.
2- I'm too tired. Exercise = more energy! Schedule exercise when you tend to feel the most energetic. For me, I'm an early bird.
3- Exercise is expensive! Walking is free.
4- Exercise is boring. Exercise with a friend, an ipod - try books on tape! Mix it up too. Walk, jog, run, swim, repeat. You can also get DVDs cheap online and there are great services like FitnessGlo and YogaGlo that are less than $20 a month.